Autoresponder Messages are loaded into your autoresponder. These message must be designed to get your prospect interested in what you have to offer. Usually this is an eBook or free report of some kind.
It is best to setup your autoresponder messages to provide valuable information to your prospects. Do not attempt to include an offer in every message. Your prospect will undoubtedly unsubscribe to your message and will never become a sale. If you successfully provide information to your prospect you will build up trust with them so they feel they can trust you. You can after a period of providing great information offer your prospect a great deal.
This type of autoresponder message does take a bit longer but you will build a better base of potential buyers by setting up your messages this way.
Publishers Direct has a series of message already plugged in and ready to go with a variety of packages available for you to get started on any budget. These packages offer a guarantee of redirected prospects. A redirected prospect is someone that fills out a form and then is redirected to your website or lead capture page.
Find out more about our Autoresponder System