The Pay Day Loan Data Feed will provide you with leads each and every week. Over 50,000 Pay Day Loan leads. That's only 1 cent per lead. You save buying in bulk. Gather your team together and take advantage of great pricing and plenty of leads to build your business. Couple these leads with the My Total Success Autoresponder and you have a winning combination.
These leads have recently applied for a pay day loan so they are definetely open to making extra money. |

Each prospect will include:
- Name
- Address
- Phone
- Email
- Best time to call
Each lead has answered the following questions however, the information is not released from the publisher.
Reason they are looking for a home based business
How much they want to earn
How much they are willing to invest
How much Time they can invest
Level of Interest
You can pay with your paypal account or with a credit card. If you do not have a pay pal account feel free to pay with your credit card on the following payment page to process your order
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Number of Leads |
Cost Per Lead |
Total Cost |
Order |
50,000 |
$.01 |
$500.00 |